Myofascial Release is a specialty to address fascial entrapment (connective tissue between and in your muscles). By using a variety of techniques and desires to reconnect/retrain the brain muscle connection this advanced therapy can provide deep, lasting relief from chronic pain/dysfunction and restore mobility and vitality.
It is beneficial for many physical problems and is both corrective and therapeutic. I have used these techniques with great success dealing with TMJD, Headaches, Whiplash, Neck pain and mobility issues from surfing, driving or job related stress, and frozen shoulder or other shoulder issues. This session can be used to address one or more issues at it relates to the whole body and your global awareness of your body.
These manual therapy techniques involve manipulation of the joints and tissues and are utilized to help relieve chronic/acute pain and achieve better range of movement. Releasing and unwinding the fascia (connective tissue) that surrounds each muscle and interconnects all of the other internal parts of the body can not only feel good but we are finding new ways to create options for movement, while making space for change in not only the body but the way the brain interprets it as well. These tissue layers, which connect every muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, and organ in our bodies, also store memories of physical trauma.
Releasing these restrictions can allow us to discharge recurring emotional as well as physical pain. Some of us wait 20 years before addressing these issues and they won't get better overnight, but together we can work towards letting that old pain story go and enjoy some freedom of movement.
This involves testing, engaged communication between client and therapist, and a willingness to look for new ways to engage your body and braIn for maximum potential and hopefully freedom from pain.
I recommend 75 or 90 minutes and a commitment to your wellness.